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Retirement – what next?

Some look forward to it, others dread it. Whatever the case may be, retirement is always a turning point.


How we deal with it depends on the various challenges we may be confronted with: perhaps you want to continue working, but don’t know how. Or you are longing to realise a long-forgotten dream. Maybe the idea of suddenly being condemned to «retirement» seems daunting. Experience shows: those who look into the subject before their last day at work are less likely to plunge into despair. So it’s up to us, how we plan this third phase of our life — nevertheless with constraints. There is no denying that increasing age limits the scope of our possibilities. Retirement can also mean living with financial restrictions.

And it often sets off a personal crisis and a search for the meaning of life: What next? We at «Winds of Change» have thoroughly investigated the topic - each in our own way. This strengthens our ability to support you in this process with double the expertise: as a professional coach and advisor — and as a fellow human being with first-hand knowledge, which we have gained (and are still continuing to gain).

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