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Navigating 50 Plus

​Who wants to grow old anyway! Although we all hope for a long life, the thought of ageing makes us feel uneasy. The march of time mostly leaves its mark on our physical bodies - an uncomfortable side-effect in an age of youthism. Around the the age of 50 there is no getting around the realisation that this is the beginning of a new phase of life. At the same time we become aware that the days we have left to realise all our plans seem to be numbered. The feeling of «now or never» takes hold in our mind and the thought of missed opportunities often leads to sleepless nights - or even a crisis.


This life phase can challenge us like no other period of our life. Interestingly, mid-life or «menopause»for women has traditionally been referred to as «Change of Life», which is usually confined to purely biological changes or the loss of their child-bearing function. But men and women experience a change of life at this stage, with a deeply-felt transition, both at a physical and psychological level.  Today many have discovered that it can also be a great opportunity.


The decision to consciously embrace these changes can enrich and transform our life. It offers us the possibility to reinvent ourselves. We will be happy to support you on this adventure.

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